Surrealist Tea

By Kelly Mao • July 18, 2024

The Surrealist style preset is one of my favorites, purely because the images it creates are so bizarre and expressive. They really spark my imagination as I consider how I would edit those scenes myself, and what additional elements I could incorporate to enhance the storytelling within the image.

Because of this, I love taking surrealist images and putting them through the image editor tool to make them my own. I'll show an example using this tea scene I generated.

original image

The first thing I did was use the Change Size tool to make the image wider. I just wanted to generate more background scenery that matched the existing contents of the image, so I didn't include a prompt and saw what results I got.

Each time you generate in the image editor, you'll get back a few results at a time which come from different base models (DALLE2, IMAGEN2, SDXL). This was my favorite result, since it extended the mountains in the back the most seamlessly.

tea image edited to be wider

Next, I wanted to try prompting the app to add more specific objects to the scene. I used the rectangle select tool to select the area to the top left of the tea, and typed the following prompt.

I realized that the results didn't match up with the surrealist style of the painting, so I adjusted my prompt and added the surrealist preset chip.

This worked a lot better!

inpainted sun that doesn't match style

Not a surrealist sun

inpainted surrealist sun

Surrealist sun!

I felt like the background landscape looked a little empty, so I decided to add a sheep. I selected an area to the right of the tea and typed the prompt:

In my head I was envisioning a sheep with part of its body blurring into the background, similar to a Dali painting. I was surprised when most of the results I got just depicted normal-looking sheep, or sheep with a few little balls of wool floating next to them.

normal sheep

Normal sheep

sheep with balls of wool floating around it

Sheep with floating balls of wool

I pressed the Resubmit button to generate a few more results, and got this dream-like floating sheep with legs that seemed to be blurring into the grass. I really liked the look of this sheep!

floating surrealist sheep

I added a few more details to the scene: a flower in the teacup, a white teardrop falling from the sun to match the white sheep, and an eye in the dark space at the bottom of the image.

image with more details generated

Lastly, I cleaned up the image a bit. I used the Lasso Select tool to select the light brown spot in the sky and the light streaks in the dark space at the bottom, and pressed Reimagine without inputting a prompt. This usually helps to remove parts of an image you don't want.

image with smudges cleaned up

This is the final image!